Adroit’s Amin Terouhid, Ph.D., PE is the featured speaker at the AACE North Florida section meeting. The presentation will be about one of the AACE recommended practices entitled analyzing near-critical paths. The meeting will be held at 4901 Vineland Road, Suite 330, Orlando, FL 32811 on Thursday, September 13th at 6:30 p.m. To register or for more details, please contact us or the AACE North Florida section.
This recommended practice (RP) is intended to provide a guideline on analyzing near-critical paths in project schedules. Delays or unexpected circumstances may adversely affect near-critical path activities to the extent that they become critical. A near-critical path consists of one or more near-critical activities that are susceptible to the risk of becoming critical and/or causing critical path delays. This RP will discuss the term near-critical path and the significance of near-critical paths in projects; demonstrate how to determine near-critical paths; and set forth a process for tracking, trending and analyzing near-critical paths. This RP is intended to serve as a guideline and resource, not to establish a standard.